Our Mission
The Belfast Charitable Society has been tackling disadvantage for over 260 years. Although times have changed dramatically during that time, the need is just as great today as it was when the society was first established.
Our Mission
To promote, protect and enhance the philanthropic heritage of the Society through the direct intervention and collaborative working for the benefit of the community
Our Vision and Values
To be the recognised leader in the provision of progressive, relevant and philanthropic charity throughout Belfast and beyond. The Belfast Charitable Society is committed to being:
• Inclusive • True to its past • Progressive and flexible
• Proactive in addressing disadvantaged
• Open, transparent and accountable • Honest and reliable
• A provider of quality services
Our Strategic Aims
Aim One: To lead and influence how philanthropy is delivered and developed in Belfast and beyond.
Aim Two: To preserve and promote both the built heritage and history of the Society.
Aim Three: To develop a creative and sustainable robust organisation focussed on the disadvantaged and poverty.